Sunday, June 01, 2008

Would you like to grow old gracefully and perhaps live mostly disease free?

Master anti-aging, gene expression modulating, and disease prevention program…
Developed by Christopher Wiechert, C.N.C.

A few months back I read a study that created a major paradigm shift in my approach to programs dealing with health and wellness, disease prevention and reversal. When it comes to issues like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, alzheimer etc, many medical authorities blame genes for these health problems, and don't realize that foods and nutrients have profound effects on whether these bad genes are turned on or off. The new biology of Epigenetics tells us that while we inherit genes from our parent’s, we can be in control of whether these genes are switched on or off and therefore, whether we grow old gracefully with little or no disease or die prematurely. Here is that study…

”Researchers from Finland took two groups of people with metabolic syndrome and gave each group a different diet. The diet differed in what type of carbohydrates they consumed for the 12 week study. The rest of their diet was identical. They contained the same calories and the same amount of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and fiber. The first group had wheat, oats, and potatoes as the source of their carbs. The second group ate rye as their source of carbohydrate. Rye has some very special properties. It is slowly absorbed by the body and has phytonutrients that help you lose weight and improve metabolism. After the 12 weeks, the researchers took a fat sample and analyzed it to find out which genes were turned on or off. So what happened? In the wheat, oat, and potato group, 62 genes were activated that increased inflammation, oxidative stress, and the stress response, worsened blood sugar balance, and generally amplified all of the forces in the body that lead to obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease!
No good genes were turned on. In the rye group, 71 genes were turned on that prevent diabetes, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and improve blood sugar control. In both cases, the genes that were turned on and off were 100% effective.”
In other words, these foods were either anti-inflammatory or pro-inflammatory in nature. This also holds true for good fats and bad fats. Vegetable oils are pro-inflammatory and fish oils are anti-inflammatory.

The key to disease prevention lies in what you eat and what supplements you decide to take. The sooner you do this the better, but now would be good.

DNA repair is crucial in all diseases. A master DNA repair agent would virtually wipe out most age-related diseases. I have been extensively researching a number of powerful phytonutrients that alter gene expression and ultimately turn on good genes and turn the bad ones off. In 30 years of doing life extension research and developing programs for my clients, and myself I am most excited about this one. I have been taking these compounds myself and have noticed major improvements, which for me is quite amazing. Just 1 phytonutrient in this program appears to fit that description since it has been shown, though admittedly in lab dish and animal studies only, to quell diabetes and heart disease, raise “good” HDL cholesterol, inhibit blood clots, stop viral replication, rejuvenate organs like the kidneys and liver, block cancer at every stage of development, cleanse brain tissues of amyloid plaques believed to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease, and prevent damage caused by a lack of oxygenation to brain and heart tissues (strokes and heart attacks). Mice on this compound lost weight due to increased fat burning, and this was attributed to an increase in the number and function of mitochondria, the part of the cell that creates energy and metabolically burns fat. Mice treated with this compound also exhibited improved insulin sensitivity and an increased metabolic rate. Notably, mice showed a doubling in exercise endurance. All of these effects are achieved without toxicity.
Resveratrol - WATCH VIDEO

Also included in this program are all the elements together in a multi that I have found to have profound anti-aging and disease protective properties like 4,000 IU’s a day of D3, with it’s miracle-class ability to halt cancer (77% of ALL cancers are prevented by vitamin D alone!), to ease depression, boost bone health, enhance heart health and much, much more. It's the single most impressive vitamin I've ever found. No other vitamin is as important as D in terms of the number of important health benefits derived from a single substance. It turns good genes on and bad ones off. Next comes omega-3 fatty acids, which have proven to be miraculous, too, in terms of preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression and much more.

To give you more proof, here are some excerpts from a startling scientific discovery about nutrition, which demonstrates that we are more than what we eat:
"We are likely what our mothers ate, too, according to scientists at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center.
In a study of nutrition's effects on development, the scientists showed they could change the coat color of baby mice simply by feeding their mothers four common nutritional supplements before and during pregnancy and lactation. Moreover, these four supplements lowered the offspring's susceptibility to obesity, diabetes and cancer.
Results of the study are published in and featured on the cover of the Aug. 1, 2003, issue of Molecular and Cellular Biology.
"We have long known that maternal nutrition profoundly impacts disease susceptibility in their offspring, but we never understood the cause-and-effect link," said Randy Jirtle, Ph.D., professor of radiation oncology at Duke and senior investigator of the study. "For the first time ever, we have shown precisely how nutritional supplementation to the mother can permanently alter gene expression in her offspring without altering the genes themselves."
In the Duke experiments, pregnant mice that received dietary supplements with vitamin B12, folic acid, choline and betaine (from sugar beets) gave birth to babies predominantly with brown coats. In contrast, pregnant mice that did not receive the nutritional supplements gave birth predominantly to mice with yellow coats.
The non-supplemented mothers were not deficient in these nutrients.
A study of the cellular differences between the groups of baby mice showed that the extra nutrients reduced the expression of a specific gene, called Agouti, to cause the coat color change. Yet the Agouti gene itself remained unchanged.
Just how the babies' coat colors changed without their Agouti gene being altered is the most exciting part of their research, said Jirtle. The mechanism that enabled this permanent color change – called "DNA methylation" -- could potentially affect dozens of other genes that make humans and animals susceptible to cancer, obesity, diabetes, and even autism, he said.
"Our study demonstrates how early environmental factors can alter gene expression without mutating the gene itself," said Rob Waterland, Ph.D., a research fellow in the Jirtle laboratory and lead author of the study. "The implications for humans are huge because methylation is a common event in the human genome, and it is clearly a malleable effect that is subject to subtle changes in utero."
During DNA methylation, a quartet of atoms -- called a methyl group – attaches to a gene at a specific point and alters its function. Methylation leaves the gene itself unchanged. Instead, the methyl group conveys a message to silence the gene or reduce its expression inside a given cell. Such an effect is referred to as "epigenetic" because it occurs over and above the gene sequence without altering any of the letters of the four-unit genetic code.
In the treated mice, one or several of the four nutrients caused the Agouti gene to become methylated, thereby reducing its expression – and potentially that of other genes, as well. Moreover, the methylation occurred early during gestation, as evidenced by its widespread manifestation throughout cells in the liver, brain, kidney and tail.
"Our data suggest these changes occur early in embryonic development, before one would even be aware of the pregnancy," said Jirtle. "Any environmental condition that impacts these windows in early development can result in developmental changes that are life-long, some of them beneficial and others detrimental."
If such epigenetic alterations occur in the developing sperm or eggs, they could even be passed on to the next generation, potentially becoming a permanent change in the family line, added Jirtle. In fact, data gathered by Swedish researcher Gunnar Kaati and colleagues indicates just such a multi-generational effect. In that study of nutrition in the late 1800s, boys who reached adolescence (when sperm are reaching maturity) during years of bountiful crop yield produced a lineage of grandchildren with a significantly higher rate of diabetes. No cause-and-effect link was established, but Jirtle suspect’s epigenetic alterations could underlie this observation.
Moreover, methylating a single gene can have multiple effects. For example, the Agouti gene regulates more than just coat color. Mice that over-express the Agouti protein tend to be obese and susceptible to diabetes because the protein also binds with a receptor in the hypothalamus and interferes with the signal to stop eating. Methylating the Agouti gene in mice, therefore, also reduces their susceptibility to obesity, diabetes and cancer.
Hence, the researchers stress the importance of understanding the molecular effects of nutrition on cells, not just the outward manifestations of it.
"Diet, nutritional supplements and other seemingly innocuous compounds can alter the development in utero to such an extent that it changes the offspring's characteristics for life, and potentially that of future generations," said Waterland. "Nutritional epigenetics could, for example, explain the differences between genetically identical twins, or the disparities in the incidence of stroke between the South and the North. The possibilities are endless."

Resveratrol, one of the components in this program, controls genes that protect you from age related diseases, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s... WATCH VIDEO

Smoking is a risk factor for cancer and heart disease. Eating a high glycemic diet is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer. But the number one risk factor for developing all chronic disease is......... AGING.
If you can slow down aging by turning the right genes on and the wrong ones off, and reduce the damage done to the genes, you not only have a better quality of life, longer, but one that could be disease free.

This is what current studies are telling us. Epigenetics is the new understanding in biological medicine. We are not dealt a hand of cards from our parents that defines how and what we will die from, or even how soon. All of us have anti-aging genes called Sirtuins. According to recent research in mice and other organisms, turn on or stimulate Sirtuins and you can increase life span and stop the progression of all the major age related diseases. Up until recently, the only way to do this was with caloric restriction. If you lower your caloric intake by say 30%, you turn on anti-aging genes. I find that if you adopt a low glycemic diet, your appetite will eventually go down and you can eat 1200-1500 calories a day and not be hungry. In addition to this, there are phytonutrients we can take that turn on good genes and turn the bad ones off.
Do you understand what this means?
This information has only come out in the last 10 years and is only now getting out to the masses. Nutrients like Resveratrol, Curcumin, Pine Bark Ext, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Green Tea Ext (ECGC), Polyphenols, proanthocyanidins (OPCs), Grape Seed Ext, CoQ10, D3, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, all have a huge effect on altering Gene Expression and therefore altering health and wellness.

The programs I have put together are listed on my webpage on Anti-Aging... Check them out.

Defying the years

Christopher Wiechert, C.N.C.

Christopher Wiechert's Healthblogger is for educational or informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it's your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility.
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