Enjoy this week's cutting edge research and begin to take charge of your own health.
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it." Chinese proverb
This nutraceutical is not only great for your heart, it could add 9 years of amazing health onto your life - MORE
If you eat SAD, (The Standard American Diet), you are most likely addicted - MORE
Eating walnuts, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries increases your memory - MORE
The miracle enzyme nature designed that has amazing health benefits for humans - MORE
The battle of the diets. Is anyone winning? - MORE
Does Greek coffee hold the key to a long life? - MORE
Christopher Wiechert, CNC, is available for consultation on your health issues.
Contact Information:
Christopher Wiechert's HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it's your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations. I also offer resources to products I use myself as well as those that I believe are of high value and quality. Profits from these recommendations are used to keep HealthBlogger free to those who read it and appreciate the time and research that goes into these posts. It has been my experience over the last 35 years that if I offer reports and research without product recommendations, you will most likely pay more at the local health food store and may not get the right product or the quality you would expect. I only recommend companies I respect and order from myself. I consider this a value added service that I offer along with the research. If you find this a conflict of interest, please don't order from my links.
Christopher Wiechert, CNC.
HealthBlogger - News and commentary on health, wellness, and anti-aging
Protandim - 1 pill a day for 30 days reduces your cells' age to that of a 20 year old
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Phone: 541-447-4580
Editor - Bill Hoke
"The doctor of the future will prescribe no drugs, but will interest his patients in the care and nutrition of the human frame and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison