Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Announcing.... Q&A-MAIL

Christopher Wiechert's
Q&A-MAIL ... Individual Nutritional Adjustments

Over the years, with the advent of e-mail, I have received hundreds of e-mails asking me questions about health issues, program adjustments, dietary questions, program reactions etc, that I have tried to take time to answer. I also feel that there are many of you that would like to ask me questions, but don't want to bother me, because you know that my time is valuable and have respected that over the years. While I would love to answer them all, it takes a lot more time than most people think, trying to analyze each question, and all that typically goes with a well thought out and researched answer.

Starting immediately, in addition to full health evaluations, I will now take e-mails with up to 3 questions on any personal health issue, and will charge about the same price as a Chiropractic visit, only we will call it an Individual Nutritional Adjustment. The cost will be $35.00 and will be billed online via an e-mail with a PayPal Invoice, that can then be paid via a CCD or Visa/MasterCard Debit. You do not need to have a PayPal Account to participate, you will just receive an e-mail invoice, after I answer the questions, and you will pay via that e-mail. It's that simple...

What questions might one ask...

" I am thinking about starting a supplement program and wanted to know a good basic program to get started with. My Doctor is working with me on 2 issues... Type II Diabetes and Arthritis. What would you recommend I start taking and what foods should I eat or avoid if any? " Or ... " I currently take these 5 products (list them and let me know how much you take per meal), as my supplemental program, but I just found out I have Bursitis, and was wondering what else I could take, that might support that issue? " Or ... " Here is a list of what I have eaten over the last 5 days, I am trying to lose more weight, (correct a food allergy etc), what would you do different, if anything, to improve my results? " You get the idea.

I am excited to be able, through technology, to be here for any and all questions anywhere e-mail goes, just remember - Keep it to 1 Q&A-MAIL with no more than 3 questions, and make sure you understand that you should be working with a Medical Doctor as well, with any health issue and not just me.

I look forward to work with anyone who feels this might be a valuable service.



Christopher Wiechert, C.N.C.
Website: www.cwiechert.com
Health Blogger: www.cwiechert.blogspot.com
Q&A-MAIL: www.cwiechert.com/QAMAIL
@xiom Int'l, Inc.
E-Mail: cww@cwiechert.com
Phone: 925-394-1050 Toll Free Number: 800-803-3323