Celebrating it's 15th year of publishing
Dr. Nuzum received his license to practice natural medicine at the age of 20, becoming the youngest licensed naturopath in U.S. history at that time. His path has taken him outside of the country for work on many occasions. In Mexico, he worked in numerous cities and towns with different tribes. He has also served as a professor, sharing his knowledge by traveling throughout North America, South America and the Caribbean. From there, Dr. Nuzum went on to further pursue studies at the Panam University in St. Kitts, West Indies, where he would complete his studies in manual osteopathy, natural medicine, indigenous medicine, oriental medicine, and monastic medicine. It was here that Dr. Nuzum also received his third and fourth Ph.D. in Indigenous Medicine and Monastic Medicine from Panam University. However, not completely satisfied with his level of education and academic rigor just yet, Dr. Nuzum went on to enroll in a fifthh Ph.D. program at the National University of Medical Sciences, where he went on to receive another Ph.D. in Osteopathic Physical Medicine and Clinical Rehabilitation in 2016.
Why consider a Nutrigenomic Consultation?
Nutrigenomics is the science that shows how foods and nutrients control our genes and how they express either optimal health or weakened health as we age. This is a major breakthrough and it puts us in control of our genes. We are no longer victims of our parents genetic patterns, with no power to alter our state of health as we grow older.
Does it work?
Client Testimonial: I had been sickly most of my life, but ridiculously sickly the three years previous to the discovery I am gluten intolerant... I have been intolerant my entire life however who would have known?
I was raised eating from scratch, healthy meals, I didn't eat a bunch of junk... (too much sugar but that was my doing)
Two years ago, my life changed when out of desperation I saw a nutritionist Christopher Wiechert. With his guidance, my diet changed drastically, and he customized a high quality vitamin and mineral program just for me, based on my symptoms...
I did not set out to lose weight, I set out to feel better.
I am down 45 lbs., from a size 16 pants to a 8. I never dreamed this could happen.
My favorite part... I'm no longer sickly.
I feel I have a second chance at life and I'll not take it for granted.
Thank you Christopher Wiechert
Client Testimonial: "10 years ago, you told me about a healthier way of eating. I blew it off and kept up my food pyramid diet. Also gaining a ton of weight, with countless doctor visits who only knew to prescribe steroids, Prilosec, or Paxil for all of my phantom illnesses. After finally following your advice - I'm now down 55lbs, Illness and Rx free. And, gained new understanding of your befuddlement in people who refuse to take your advice." - D Y - California
D Y's results
Client Testimonial: "When I first met Christopher, I was 65 pounds overweight, and I had a Rash all over my body. I had a lot of inflammation, and I was in a lot of joint pain. Eating Paleo, and the best nutrition, vitamins, and minerals, are where it's at...
And Christopher Wiechert understands how to use them. Today I am a new woman." CD - Oregon
CD Before CD After
More testimonials
What Nutrigenomics can do that modern medicine can't
Christopher Wiechert's HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it's your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations. I also offer resources to products I use myself as well as those that I believe are of high value and quality. Profits from these recommendations are used to keep HealthBlogger free to those who read it and appreciate the time and research that goes into these posts. It has been my experience over the last 45 years that if I offer reports and research without product recommendations, you will most likely pay more at the local health food store and may not get the right product or the quality you would expect. I only recommend companies I respect and order from myself. I consider this a value added service that I offer along with the research. If you find this a conflict of interest, please don't order from my links.
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Recharge - Telomerase Activator
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Disclosure: Above links are either links to my websites or companies I do business with, order from, personally recommend and may get small commissions from. Commissions if received are used to keep all Blog sites free, and to support my continued research efforts.
CBD Oil HempFX
Carbon 60
Recharge - Telomerase Activator
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Disclosure: Above links are either links to my websites or companies I do business with, order from, personally recommend and may get small commissions from. Commissions if received are used to keep all Blog sites free, and to support my continued research efforts.