Monday, January 20, 2025

Natural supplements are not produced the same way, and once you learn this, you will understand why this company is so amazing. I use this product line as an essential base in my programs...


Celebrating it's 20th year of publishing

I want to remind all clients on Wellness By Design, as to why I recommend Mother Earth Labs supplements as my essential base program. It's way more dynamic and important than you know, and I think you all would benefit by this 33 minute review.


Christopher Wiechert, CNC is a Nutrigenomics Practitioner and has been in Alternative Health for 50 years, 43 of which has been in Anti Aging research and the last 23 of which has been in research looking for medical pioneers who are reversing and preventing conditions thought to be incurable by Conventional Allopathic Medicine. I am proud to share their work, and include the new discoveries in the programs I develop.

Consider a consultation:  I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if I feel I can be of service, never any obligation.

Christopher Wiechert’s HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it’s your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations.  

Thursday, January 09, 2025


Celebrating it's 20th year of publishing

Each year in Dec, I go back and see what we have learned that is new and dynamic in dietary knowledge and Nutrigenomic / Nutraceutical discoveries.  I then adjust my program accordingly so that it is State Of The Art.  This is why you want to be a annual member of Wellness By Design Preventative Concierge Service.  In the past I have spent my time sharing these new discoveries in Blog posts so that my clients could follow along with me, and see who and where these discoveries where made.  Unfortunately life is so busy today for most people, few take the time to view them, so starting this year, I am just going to make short and simple statements, and have you decide if you want to e-mail me or text me to make your program up to date with mine.  In each Blog post I have links at the bottom so you can go down and incorporate them as you like.  My goal is to make sure your family is building Optimal Health & Wellness, and removing as much as possible, things in your diet that are causing damage.
The biggest news is the following:
1. Insulin Resistance and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is on the rise, and bad fats (Toxic Seed Oils) are the main culprit, and it can take 2 to 3 years to get them out of your body.  They are part of your cell membranes and interfere with the cells ability to manage hormones like Insulin.
2. Vitamin E in Alpha Tocopherol form is the wrong form to protect your cells from oxidative damage from these oils, and they are highly inflammatory. You want to limit them to no more than 20 mgs, which most of the Mother Earth Lab Multivitamins do, but you need to add Tocotrienols like Delta Gold, at between 150mgs to 300mgs a day to fix the damage, and 600mgs a day to begin to fix fatty liver disease.  Links are below or feel free to e-mail me if you want more info.  
3. This new form of Vitamin E does much more, like radically improving bone health, and cancer prevention, and improving most all conditions related to Metabolic Syndrome or often referred to as Syndrome X. 
I am very happy to get everyone on board with this new direction in preventative health care, so let me know if you need to review your current supplements and or help you in removing the Bad Seed Oils.

Remember - "You are the victim of The Sickness Industry, unless you tak charge of your own health."  Chistopher Wiechert, CNC

Christopher Wiechert, CNC is a Nutrigenomics Practitioner and has been in Alternative Health for 50 years, 43 of which has been in Anti Aging research and the last 23 of which has been in research looking for medical pioneers who are reversing and preventing conditions thought to be incurable by Conventional Allopathic Medicine. I am proud to share their work, and include the new discoveries in the programs I develop.

Consider a consultation:  I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if I feel I can be of service, never any obligation.

Christopher Wiechert’s HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it’s your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations.  

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Ok, the Holidays are over, lets get back on track, shall we...


Celebrating it's 20th year of publishing

 A few Decembers ago I was inspired to write this quote:

"I put a hidden camera in my kitchen recently. I have learned I am not to be trusted." Christopher Wiechert.

So, understanding our weaknesses, here is the simple way to get back to a diet that works for almost everyone. You should all have the book The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey. In his book he rates foods and beverages with 3 categories.

1. Bulletproof

2. Suspect

3. Kriptonite

I recommend you dust off this reference book and make out your shopping list using only the Bullerproof recommendations for the next month. Then as you have been taught to do, experiment if you need to with the Suspect list. Listen to your body and anything that doesn't feel good, stop consuming.

Make sure you are taking the recommended supplemental products designed for you, and if you have lost your program, let me know, I should have a copy that I can send you.

Just remember - "You are the victim of the sickness industry, unless you make a conscious effort to take charge of your own health." - Christopher Wiechert


Christopher Wiechert, CNC is a Nutrigenomics Practitioner and has been in Alternative Health for 50 years, 43 of which has been in Anti Aging research and the last 23 of which has been in research looking for medical pioneers who are reversing and preventing conditions thought to be incurable by Conventional Allopathic Medicine. I am proud to share their work, and include the new discoveries in the programs I develop.

Consider a consultation:  I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if I feel I can be of service, never any obligation.

Christopher Wiechert’s HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it’s your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations.  

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why Your Vitamins Are Not Working, Dr Berg - FYI, why I recommend the things I do. I have specific reasons that are not obvious, so don't alter the programs unless we discuss it together... CW

Celebrating it's 19th year of publishing

Christopher Wiechert, CNC is a Nutrigenomics Practitioner and has been in Alternative Health for 49 years, 42 of which has been in Anti Aging research and the last 22 of which has been in research looking for medical pioneers who are reversing and preventing conditions thought to be incurable by Conventional Allopathic Medicine. I am proud to share their work, and include the new discoveries in the programs I develop.

About Christopher Wiechert, CNC

Consider a consultation:  I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if I feel I can be of service, never any obligation.

Christopher Wiechert’s HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it’s your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations.  

Thursday, December 05, 2024

A new format for HealthBlogger is coming in 2025...


Celebrating it's 20th year of publishing

Starting in 2025, I will be creating and sending out via WBD - Inner Circle e-mails, mostly a paragraph or 2 with updated or clarified information in written form supporting how to apply the science of Nutrigenomics in our lives using diet and supplementation. I will include very few if any video's, in this new format. I am doing this because most people don't seem to have time these days to watch even the short ones I select. After doing this work for 50 years now, I will assume you will prefer to have me tell you what to do, or what I am doing, and if you need the proof or more information, I will ask now that you e-mail me back that you desire more information, then I will e-mail you specific information one on one. Those replies will most likely contain videos if needed, so expect that may occur. I will also include at the bottom of the page, links to specific products you might want to try, so you can quickly do that at the time you get these Blogs. Also please check your Spam files regularly, as many e-mails are going to Spam these days, either by error or by the Intension of those who don't want you getting this type of information.

Let's make this a great year and let's hope we will have greater access and better regulations for healthier food production and less censorship on natural alternatives in the area of Nutraceuticals.


Christopher Wiechert, CNC is a Nutrigenomics Practitioner and has been in Alternative Health for 50 years, 43 of which has been in Anti Aging research and the last 23 of which has been in research looking for medical pioneers who are reversing and preventing conditions thought to be incurable by Conventional Allopathic Medicine. I am proud to share their work, and include the new discoveries in the programs I develop.

Consider a consultation:  I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if I feel I can be of service, never any obligation.

Christopher Wiechert’s HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it’s your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations.  

Saturday, November 30, 2024

How I Got Abs In My 50s By Drinking Butter Coffee - Dave Asprey - Don't miss this one, it's why I have all of my new clients order his book The Bullet Proof Diet...


Celebrating it's 19th year of publishing

Christopher Wiechert, CNC is a Nutrigenomics Practitioner and has been in Alternative Health for 49 years, 42 of which has been in Anti Aging research and the last 22 of which has been in research looking for medical pioneers who are reversing and preventing conditions thought to be incurable by Conventional Allopathic Medicine. I am proud to share their work, and include the new discoveries in the programs I develop.

Consider a consultation:  I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if I feel I can be of service, never any obligation.

Christopher Wiechert’s HealthBlogger is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or provide treatment for any condition. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a health care professional. If you decide to use this information on your own, it’s your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. The views expressed on this website are those of the health professionals and scientists I list or my own opinions and are not intended to replace any medical advice you may require. The contents have not been approved by the Pharmaceutical Association, the American Medical Association, or the Food and Drug Administration. This website may present views diametrically opposed to the views of such organizations.